Sunday, February 24, 2013

Da Vinci Surgical System Complications

This surgical system seems revolutionary. But its alleged complications have sent some people in pain and largely in shock.

Da Vinci surgical system is a four-armed robotic device that is remotely-operated by surgeons using foot pedals and joysticks. The device was intended to make surgery less invasive and more accurate. Because of its sophistication many think that recovery time for surgeries using the Da Vinci is shorter and many complications brought by the limits of the human surgeon directly operating are minimized. To a large extent it seems this device is predestined to replace operation by a human surgeon.

However, the Da Vinci surgical system received a lot of flak over time. First among the list is excessive cost, then other issues like under-trained surgeons and unsubstantiated benefits follow. Reports of people dying after or during operation have also surfaced.

Da Vinci and its Operation has a Large Price Tag

Seattle Times has reported that a Da Vinci surgical system can cost hospitals as much as $2.6 million. Many critics believe that robotic surgery does not offer an improved outcome and is just the result of a perceived “medical arms race” between hospitals.
On the other hand, patients being operated by the device in a robotic hysterectomy can pay $1,300 more on average with no clear cut benefits when compared to traditional surgeries. This was revealed in the January 2012 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Da Vinci Operation Might Have Serious Complications

One concern that has been raised in the Seattle Times is the fact that no national standardized testing has been done to ensure health professionals operating the device are proficient enough. Intuitive Surgical provides training using a cadaver which could run for three to four days. However, cadavers and a living patient are way too different from each other.

Several patients who had a surgery using the Da Vinci robot came home to discover various serious adverse effects have plagued them. Some of these complications are:

-        Over-anesthetization
-        Excessive bleeding
-        Internal burns on organs and one’s blood vessels
-        Internal lacerations to one’s arm
-        Death.

Lawsuits Over Da Vinci Robot Injuries are Adding Up

In March of 2012, an Illinois jury awarded the family of a patient $7.5 million after determining that there was negligence on the part of a surgeon who used the Da Vinci for surgery. Sadly, it was the first time the surgeon utilized the device resulting in the patient dying on the operating table.

There is a proper way to filing a claim. If one has been operated using the Da Vinci surgical system and has sustained injuries, one maybe worthy of just compensation.

Filing one’s Da Vinci surgical system lawsuit need an experienced personal injury lawyer to iron things out. To a large extent, the internet has played a key role in making lawsuits over Da Vinci  surgical system happen, giving free legal help in sites like of the Rottenstein Law Group (RLG), for instance.

Truly, Da Vinci is a very powerful machine. Such power could be dangerous without proper controls.

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